Florida Little League World Series Roster, Articles M

With She-Hulk, the Fantastic Four team becomes one of the strongest Alliance War Defense teams in the game and they are capable of defending against all but the strongest synergy offensive teams. His first skill inflicts medium damage to the primary target and chains to up to 4 adjacent targets changing the Speed Bar of all targets by up to -20%. In every turn, he will take at least 1 hit from enemies significantly mitigating the enemys ability to focus on squishier targets. Obtaining Iron Man was once a really hard task because his price is 310 shards which can be obtained only through the legendary Iron Man Event but now his Legendary Event is always opened and you can recruit him easily after some time. Moondragon and her partner Phyla-Vell are key members of the Infinity Watch, with Moondragon providing psychic healing support. His first skill delivers heavy damage to the single target. As a pure damage dealer, Bullseye needs a Striker ISO-8 class to reach his full potential. Passive ability grants him Evade on every turn and heals Pym Tech ally whenever they dodge by up to 15% of Ghosts Health. Additionally, Nobu provides his HAND allies with a chance to revive upon death. If Daredevil has 3 or more Shadowlands allies this attack cannot be blocked. Lack of cleansing, Ironheart makes up for with mass Defense Down which is probably even more useful for Power Armor Team and Falcon. This practically means that you need to kill Dr. Ebony Maw is powerful and important only in the Black Order team but his special and ultimate ability can be used with all other Heroes especially in Raids. Normally, Ebony Maw can use both of these skills only once per battle but since Tanos will give him energy with every kill, he will have those two most important skills ready for use at any time. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, Voices Rising: The Music of Wakanda Forever, The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. Cosmic Crucible - Team Counters Originally trained by S.H.I.E.L.D. Striker Iso-8 class is a natural decision for Phyla-Vell since when you have the highest damage potential you want to increase it further, however, since she will assist a lot she may benefit from Skirmisher as well especially if you want to help your team with constant Offense Downs on enemies and constant removing of enemy buffs. The Punch Up for Symbiots is now considerably lower and they can beat much stronger teams in Power now. Hydra Scientists healing is slightly weaker compared to other supports, but he applies Deathproof in addition. Phyla-Vell is the Infinity Watch Protector whose strikes shred through enemies like through butter. With her in team Astonishing X-Men become the strongest Raid team in the game without a doubt and they are capable of dealing with almost all synergy teams in Alliance War and Real-Time Arena except very few meta Teams that rely on Immunity. Asgardians are made for Alliance War Defense but they can be successfully used in Blitz and even in Alliance War Offense if you insist. Hand Sorceresss main strength is that she buffs allies when she casts healing. His first skill inflicts moderate damage and reduces the Speed Bar of the target by up to 25%. It may seem that there are better damage dealers in the game but Gamoras speed and critical chance along with her ability to play multiple times after kills make her the deadliest brawler for any new player. She could also use Healer or Fortifier class but that would bring much lesser befits in my opinion. Gain a behind the scenes perspective on the making of Marvel Studios Shang-Chi with this deluxe hardcover chock-full of exclusive concept art. However, in other team combinations, X-23 can be only used as someone who opens the battle with Ability Block which is not enough for her to be considered as a versatile character. The problem is because there are at least 2 more targets in the Weapon X team that needs to be killed earlier. But I have a lot of regular toons. Vision price is 45 shards obtainable through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, and 3-9 Mystic Campaign mission. It is a very interesting strategy of protecting the team but is extremely vulnerable against some Heroes (Carnage, Jubilee) who fill the Speed Bar of all allies on every death. If an enemy is a minion the damage is doubled. Most importantly he heals all Pym Tech allies when some of them dodge meaning that they will be almost unkillable in Dark Dimension. This team can be beaten by BoM if you cast Magnetos special on to Agent Coulson in the first turn, by Ultron combinations, and by X-Men. Nevertheless, she will be an irreplaceable part of the Infinity Watch team so it is highly unlikely that anyone will use her outside of the new META team. Operatives price is 15 shards and she is obtainable through orbs and 4-3 Heroic Assemble campaign mission. Her second skill causes medium damage to the single target, clears up to 2 positive effects, and applies Offense Down. Wasp is a relentless blaster who works best with Ant-Man. If you want to increase his chance of placing Slow with his special skill equipp him with Skirmisher ISO-8 class and if you want to exploit his AOE ability give him Raider ISO-8 class. Even Skirmisher Class can be used if you wanna exploit his assist to remove buffs from enemies. Her special skill grants Offense Up for 2 turns before it attacks primary and adjacent targets causing up to 200% Piercing, placing up to 2 Bleeds, and reducing Speed Bar by 20%. Screams ultimate causes heavy damage to the primary and adjacent targets while placing Slow for 2 turns and Disrupt for 1 turn at the same time. There are a lot of useful team combinations with Ultron but we have chosen this one since it uses some Heroes who have not any obvious synergy with other Meta teams (Korath) which could be essential if you cant find an appropriate team for Ultron in Alliance War or Blitz. For example, you can replace Ghost Rider with Ultimus and Daredevil with America Chavez. In the Alliance War, Focus-increase is even greater to up to 80%. In Raids, when an Astonishing X-Men ally drops below 50% Health, he instantly places Taunt on himself. The team which is presented in the picture is the team I am using myself in Ultimus 7. Agent Coulson changes the game balance while he is in War Defense with the S.H.I.E.L.D. Nick Fury also provides his allies with a 20% chance to assist on every attack. If you Astonishing X-man, Symbiots, or upcoming Secret Avengers are not strong enough for using auto-combat in Ultimus VII Level 5 that this team can be a solution for you. Yelena Belova is similar to Black Widow in many aspects except that she cannot Stun or place Speed on her allies. Using Colleen without other Heroes for Hire is possible but not recommendable. At the top of that, Elsa Bloodstone who is otherwise average Hero at best becomes a killing machine in this team. He is a Top Tier hero in the true meaning of that word. Rhino is meant to be a usable Tank for the Sinister Six team and although his skill-set is nothing out of ordinary he could be very useful against some META teams at the moment. The potential damage output of this team is amazing and they will be the third strongest Offensive synergy team in the game (after Black Order and X-Man). Along with her, this team will become META in Alliance War Defense and it will be extremely difficult to beat them. She needs extra focus for flipping Defense Up on enemies and since she can attack while placing Taunt, it is very useful to equip her with the ability to place Vulnerability with each strike. Ghost Rider is a Supernatural Brawler who mistreats his enemies with various negative effects and who will avenge the death of every ally. If Deathpool is fully charged (5 charges) the ultimate causes 20000% Piercing damage instead and clears all Charged. He definitely needs a Striker ISO-8 class in order to further increase his already unbelievable damage potential. He has moderate damage output and he is slow, but has the ability to attack all targets and delivers piercing damage. Indeed, Mantis cannot be compared with Minn-Erva, but she has additional abilities in Raids that should provide you almost the same amount of sustain. Trooper is not very expensive and its cost is just 15 orbs, obtainable through premium orbs, Raid Store, Raid orbs, and through Villains United 4-3 Campaign mission. Knowing that Deathpool hits significantly harder than both of them and that she will have healing and a free attack against most injured targets whenever an enemy dies makes her overpowered in every way, especially in Raids. Monstrosity should be equipped with either Striker or Skirmisher ISO-8 class. Also, up to 4 negative effects from the primary target are spread to the entire enemy team and if there are any non-summoned Asgardians, 2 Regeneration buffs are granted to them. Shuri is a legendary Hero for a reason. Finally, Phyla-Vells presence in the battle lowers the Critical Chance of all enemies by up to 15% as long as she is not under the effect of Ability Block. After that, it flips the Counter on the enemy and causes up to 250% Piercing to primary and adjacent targets placing Offense Down on each target in the process. His Base damage is significantly higher than any other Hero in Marvel Strike Force while his skill set is so overpowered that his sole presence on the battlefield will be enough for winning a battle (at least at the start, while only a few recruited him). Pyro price is 45 shards and he is obtainable through Premium Orbs and Alliance War Store. Additionally, Crystals passive ability changes the Speed Bar of the enemy with the highest Speed by -25%. His first skill inflicts heavy Piercing damage and has a small chance to chain to up to 2 additional targets. If the target has slow, this attack always Crits and places Stun. This is definitely the best class for him although he can be equipped with the Raider class as well since he can exploit his AOE ultimate attack to place Vulnerability on multiple targets. When we talk about ISO-8, Bishop can benefit from both Fortifier and Striker classes depending on how you want to use him. With the introduction of Anti-Venom, the raid potential of the Spider-Verse Symbiot team becomes limitless. He is one of the most expensive heroes with the price of 180 shards which can be obtained only in Ultimus Orbs that are available through gathering shards of HEroes who are already on 7 stars. His second skill heals all allies for a medium amount of Health and grants him Defense Up. Additionally, Mister Fantastic grants Assist Now to Namor and Fantastic Four allies every turn and clear 1 negative effect from up to 3 random enemies. Misty Knight is the tough-as-nails leader of the Heroes for Hire who uses her cybernetic arm to break through her enemies defenses. The true power of this team can only be seen in Alliance War Defense but in Offense, it is capable of defeating most of other customs teams and some synergy teams. Her ability to place Bleed and Defense Down will be heavily exploited by the rest of the Weapon X team making her an important piece of this amazing synergy. Luke Cage is an extremely tough taunting protector with high damage and health. This team is a nightmare to any Villain team except full Brotherhood and can deal with the majority of custom teams. If you want to increase the teams sustenance equip S.H.I.E.L.D. The passive ability grants Safeguard + Immunity to Adam Warlock and all Infinity Watch allies at the start of a battle. Crossbones ultimate delivers one of the highest AOE damage in the game but he also hurts himself in the process. Hydra is an international terrorist organization that strives for world domination. Carnage damage output could be enormous and he will definitely fit in the Symbiote team, especially because of his Speed and Health. If the target is Tech, the Disrupt lasts 2 turns instead. Longshot has no utility whatsoever (besides the single stack of Bleed he applies with his special ability) therefore he must rely on the potency of his attacks and the fact that he can heal himself every turn. Villain, Global, Skill, Support, Hydra, Minion. It is not certain rather he should equip Striker ISO-8 class or Raider ISO-8 class but whatever you decide you will not be wrong. Hero, Global, Skill, Controller, Wave I Avenger, S.H.I.E.L.D. Ultimate also clears all negative effects from all Weapon X members and applies Immunity to each member. Her first skill inflicts medium damage and applies Stun to the target if Mantis is Charged. Her ultimate inflicts low granted damage to all enemies and 90% of her damage per charge in short, if Storm has 5 charges she strikes all enemies for 550% of her base damage cool isnt it? In AW ultimate also applies Trauma on all enemies and it cant be blocked. Crystal is a member of the Inhuman royal family, whose mastery of the elements makes her a versatile Blaster. She has increased Crit Chance by 5% per Kree Minion ally. Passive ability grants her up to 30% Dodge rate and Stealth for up to 2 turns when Kittys Health drops below 50%. A.I.M. Winter Soldier is an elite Hydra agent who assaults his chosen target with deadly attacks that prevent healing. Keep in mind she is not that good when the computer controls her because A.I. Infector is an A.I.M. Because he benefits from critical strikes, S.H.I.E.L.D. Hydra Grenadier costs 15 shards which are obtainable through raid orbs, radio supplies, milestone orbs, and premium orbs. His skill-set is made to counter Phoenixs rebirth combo meaning that Black Order will be definitely a new Meta for the Arena. Combined with Elsa Bloodstone and other Supernatural Heroes or with Ms.Marvel and Brawlers he becomes unstoppable. Passive ability increases Stryfes Speed Bar at the start of combat by 10% per Mutant Villain ally. Colossus does not have serious offensive capabilities but he is almost unkillable and while he is in a team you simply cannot harm any other X-Men beside him. This ability has a 25% chance to be assisted by Yelena Belova. After the introduction of the Black Order, Thanos becomes a META character. In Marvel Strike Force, S.H.I.E.L.D. This attack is unavoidable and cannot be counterattacked. Gravitons ultimate inflicts medium damage to the single target, grants up to 100% additional damage per negative effect, and applies Stun to that target. Her first skill inflicts medium Piercing damage against a single target and grants her chance for gaining Evade (100% when fully upgraded). Sharon Carters price is 45 shards currently available in Saboteur Orbs and Super Spy Orbs.. Niece of the legendary Peggy Carter, Sharon Carter uses hercovert weapons training to disable the enemy through negative status effects. Taskmasters price is 45 shards currently available only in Mimic Master Orbs. If Captain Marvel is in Binary form she loses 1 charge (ends Binary if all charges are lost), otherwise, she gains 1 charge. Passive ability grants him increased Speed Bar at the start of combat depending on the number of City Hero enemies. MSF's first mission in 1972, is in Managua, Nicaragua's capital, and follows an earthquake which destroyed most of the city and killed between 10,000 and 30,000 people. In Marvel Strike Force, Mercenary Lieutenant is a Mercenary minion who buffs up his allies. Invisible Woman is a Protector who grants Barrier to her teammates and reveals hidden enemies. a new META for sure. Healer ISo-8 class is the only viable solution for Maria Hill. As for the Iso-8 class, at first glance, it would be logical to develop Misty as Skirmisher because all her attacks are single-target based. Shockers ultimate delivers medium Piercing damage to primary and adjacent targets. Even though his Focus will be significantly increased in AW, I suggest that Omega Red is equipped with Skirmisher class just to be sure that his debuffs will be placed and to have 1 cleanser in the team. Her first skill causes heavy damage against the single target and flips 2 positive effects into negative on that target. Choosing Jessica Jones for 5th member will be the first option for the majority of players but for me, the obvious and most logical choice is Silver Surfer, at least for as long as Heroes of Hire have only 4 members. Also, when Anti-Venoms Health drops below 50%, he gains Evade. Also, A.I.M. Villain, Global, Mutant, Brawler, Brotherhood. Passive ability grants increased focus for Spider-Verse allies, an increased focus for Mysterio depending on the number of Spider-Verse allies, and applies Deflect on Sinister Six allies when the combat begins. Sam Wilson is a cunning Secret Avenger Protector who protects and boosts his Secret Avenger and Skill allies. More than any other Protector, Multiple Man benefits the most from Fortifier ISO-8 Class. Agent Coulson is a Tech Controller who is trained to protect Helicarrier with his S.H.I.E.L.D allies. Kingpin doesnt have Taunt but his ability to apply Offense Up to the whole team at the beginning of the second turn in battle makes him extremely useful. As she is a Protector it would be normal to develop her in Fortifier ISO-8 class but in my opinion, the team would benefit more from Striker Class if there is at least 1 Skirmisher in the rest of the team. His special skill Attacks the primary target causing up to 500% damage and placing Ability Block for up to 2 turns. I am a big opponent of using any META team in Defense but teams that are fully specialized for Defense so I will probably never use Weapon X for that purpose but 1 fact remains. That, along with certain additional synergies that will be introduced when this team is ready, makes Shatterstar very important even though he doesnt have many uses at the moment. In my opinion, Helo benefits the most from Raider ISO-8 class but she can also be equipped with Healer or Skirmisher class depending on the team composition. Villain, Cosmic, Mystic, Support, Ravager. With her second skill, she offers decent healing to all allies and revives Coulson with 50% Health if he is dead. However, she currently doesnt have any companion who has synergy with her and she is literally useless needing rework as soon as possible. This attack has a 50% increased Critical Chance and cannot be blocked. When Red Guardians health drops below 50% while Taunting, the Taunt is removed and he is healed by 30% of his Max Health, Additionally, his Block Chance and Block amount are permanently increased (Block Chance +45%, Block Amount +10%) while Health is permanently increased for both Red Guardian and Skill Military allies (Health +30%). Taskmaster, a British game show where comedians/funny celebrities get judged for how they go about completing outlandish tasks, is easily one of the greatest gifts television has ever given us . His basic skill causes moderate damage after clearing Counter from the target. Hero, Cosmic, Bio, Brawler, Kree, Military. Upon enemy Critical, there is a 30% chance that Magneto casts Speed Up on self and all Brotherhood allies. Her special skill causes up to 320% Piercing damage and clears all positive effects before it Chains to up to 4 adjacent targets causing up to 290% Piercing and clearing up to 3 positive effects after every successful critical strike. Learn more about Ant-Man and Stinger, AKA the size-shifting, father-daughter duo! Additionally, it clears all Charged, all positive effects and places Ability Block for up to 2 turns on the primary target. Scarlet Witch could be a very useful hero for all segments of the game although she is lacking decent damage output. Whenever a non-summoned Hydra Minion dies, Red Skull revives them with up to 50% Health and up to 2 Deathproofs and then lose 1 Charged. Rhino ultimate inflicts heavy damage to primary and adjacent targets and if those targets are City Heroes, the damage is even greater depending on the number of City Heroes. Villain, City, Tech, Support, Mercenary, Minion, Pirates, bounty hunters, mercenaries, smugglers, and thieves. Multiple Mans unorthodox ways of protecting the team are yet to be proved in combat but even without him Longshot, Shatterstar, and Polaris can deal with almost anything. Black Panther is charged if he is under 50% of HP and has the passive ability to fill up his Speed Bar for 20% after every kill. In the Marvel Universe, the most famous mercenaries are Deadpool, Bullseye and Korath the Pursuer. With Raider class, she can more often exploit increased damage of Critical hits while with Skirmisher class she will be able to constantly place Vulnerability and you will not worry either she will steal buffs or not, because her Focus will be significantly increased. That combo could be devastating if properly used. agent who disrupts the enemy team by weakening groups of foes and removing their advantages. Agent Coulson is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Mordo should use either Raider or Skirmisher ISO-8 class depending on what you want to improve on him focus or the ability to place Vulnerability on multiple targets at the start of combat. Hero, Global, Bio, Protector, Avenger, S.H.I.E.L.D. Invisible Woman is a Bio Protector who shields her allies with an energy barrier and weakens all enemies. She could be also equipped with Fortifier class to be protected against initial attacks but that shouldnt be the first option. His second skill buffs allies with regeneration, and if allies are Kree they receive 2 Regeneration instead. The Goddess of Death, Hela spreads negative effects to foes while aided by her Undead Asgardian. The Things price is only 15 shards currently available through Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, Blitz Orbs and Blitz Supplies. Passive skill grants Minn-Erva the ability to heal most injured ally after enemy death and increases her Speed Bar when an ally dies. He must be equipped with raider ISO-8 class and everything else would be a mistake. Mister Sinisters price is 100 shards currently available in Offers and House of Essex Orbs. However, his Block chance and Block amount grant him higher survivability than most of MSF Heroe and his synergy with anyone who applies Defense Up makes him very useful for both Raid and Blitz. Rhinos price is 15 shards obtainable through Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, Blitz Orbs, and Blitz Supplies. He starts with three stars and his shards can be obtained through Premium Orbs, Arena store, and 8-9 Nexus campaign mission. Aside from Fantastic Four, She-Hulk has literally no other virtues. On the other hand, she grants the second Infinity Stone to Thanos, therefore, she is essential for the Black Order team that will be the future Meta in the Arena. Even though he hasnt any AOE abilities whatsoever his ability to assist and his insane single target damage (with his ultimate) make him a target you wanna remove from the picture as soon as possible. Her first skill causes average damage, applies Bleed, and clears 1 positive effect from the primary target. Black Panther is an agile relentless hunter who shredshis enemies with rapid attacks. Besides that, Taskmaster opens the combat by placing Blind on 3 targets and Bleed for 2 turns on all targets which is amazing. The passive ability grants Defense Up for up to 2 turns on all Infinity Watch allies (including her) at the start of a battle and places up to 2 Deathproofs on every Infinity Watch ally whose health drops below 50% (including her).