Posts tagged Group
LECTURE: TV Systems and Signals
0Today we looked at satellites and how the play a key role in the world of broadcasting as well as the rest of the communication and location markets. The Astra group of satellites are the main group in operation for Broadcasting use in Europe.
CIRCUS: Lighting
0Today we started the BOP (Broadcast Operations) Circus, which is designed to teach us the basic in many operational roles. Today, my group started on Lighting with Graham Jaggers, an industry professional Lighting Director.
With lighting already being my specialist subject, after transferring from a theatre environment, I found I was only looking out for the differences between live theatre and live broadcast. The main difference i found was the huge requirement for Backlight, this isn’t such a requirement in theatre world.
Other little tips and tricks I have picked up from today, include:
- 3 Point Lighting / The importance of shadows
- How to use a Pantograph
- The idea of bouncing a hard light of something white to create a large soft light