Posts tagged Broadcasting

LECTURE: TV Systems and Signals


Today we looked at satellites and how the play a key role in the world of broadcasting as well as the rest of the communication and location markets. The Astra group of satellites are the main group in operation for Broadcasting use in Europe.

LECTURE: Broadcast Technology


The first Broadcast Tech lecture of the unit and it should be an interesting unit, designed to give us a basic overview of the technologies and some processes behind Broadcasting. For this unit we have joined together with Digi Film, Editing and Operations courses, this is to provide them with a base level of knowledge of what we do, to make it work for them.

LECTURE: Electronics and TV Systems and Signals



Continuing on from the basics we learnt in the first few lectures, we moved on to some basic analogue circuits, including creating a Hi-pass and Low-Pass filter. These filters are both very simple, yet they provide crucial functionality in many everyday appliances. A good example of this is the Phone it has a 3KHz Hi-Pass Filter in it, creating the distinctive sound you hear. A Mid-Pass Filter is another extremely common one, particularly in broadcasting. Used mainly in TV tuners, to decipher one signal from the next. They are used for this purpose as they can be set to allow a very small frequency range through at a time, useful for splitting the hundreds of signals sent over FreeView.

TV Systems & Signals

TV Systems and Signals, was unfortunately canceled today due to unforeseen circumstances.

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